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accept(String, String) - Method in class com.nilhcem.fakesmtp.server.MailListener
Accepts all kind of email (always return true).
append(E) - Method in class com.nilhcem.fakesmtp.log.SMTPLogsAppender
Receives a log from Logback, and sends it to the LogsPane object.
ArgsHandler - Enum in com.nilhcem.fakesmtp.core
Handles command line arguments.


BindPortException - Exception in com.nilhcem.fakesmtp.core.exception
Thrown if the SMTP port cannot be bound while trying to start the server.
BindPortException(Exception, int) - Constructor for exception com.nilhcem.fakesmtp.core.exception.BindPortException


ClearAllButton - Class in
Button to clear all the information from the main panel.
ClearAllButton() - Constructor for class
Creates the "clear all" button"
com.nilhcem.fakesmtp - package com.nilhcem.fakesmtp
Entry point of the application.
com.nilhcem.fakesmtp.core - package com.nilhcem.fakesmtp.core
Provides core methods to get the configuration of the project or i18n messages.
com.nilhcem.fakesmtp.core.exception - package com.nilhcem.fakesmtp.core.exception
Contains general exception classes thrown in the project.
com.nilhcem.fakesmtp.gui - package com.nilhcem.fakesmtp.gui
Provides the main GUI components (main JFrame, JPanel, MenuBar...). - package
Provides all the GUI components from the main panel, which are not inside the tabbed pane component. - package
Provides all the GUI components in the tabbed pane.
com.nilhcem.fakesmtp.log - package com.nilhcem.fakesmtp.log
Provides a Logback appender and an observable object to redirect logs to the GUI.
com.nilhcem.fakesmtp.model - package com.nilhcem.fakesmtp.model
Models used in the application to contain emails or component fields information.
com.nilhcem.fakesmtp.server - package com.nilhcem.fakesmtp.server
Provides services classes for the SMTP server.
Configuration - Enum in com.nilhcem.fakesmtp.core
Contains and returns some project-specific configuration variables.


deleteEmails() - Method in class com.nilhcem.fakesmtp.server.MailSaver
Deletes all received emails from file system.
deliver(String, String, InputStream) - Method in class com.nilhcem.fakesmtp.server.MailListener
Receives emails and forwards them to the MailSaver object.
DirChooser - Class in com.nilhcem.fakesmtp.gui
Provides a graphical directory chooser dialog.
DirChooser(Component) - Constructor for class com.nilhcem.fakesmtp.gui.DirChooser
Creates a JFileChooser component and sets it to be for directories only.
displayUsage() - Method in enum com.nilhcem.fakesmtp.core.ArgsHandler
Displays the app's usage in the standard output.


EmailModel - Class in com.nilhcem.fakesmtp.model
A model representing a received email.
EmailModel() - Constructor for class com.nilhcem.fakesmtp.model.EmailModel


FakeSMTP - Class in com.nilhcem.fakesmtp
Entry point of the application.


get(String) - Method in enum com.nilhcem.fakesmtp.core.Configuration
Returns the value of a specific entry from the "" file.
get(String) - Method in enum com.nilhcem.fakesmtp.core.I18n
Returns the resource for the key passed in parameters.
get() - Method in class
Returns the JButton object.
get() - Method in class
Returns the JLabel object.
get() - Method in class
Returns the JTextField object.
get() - Method in class
Returns the JTextField object.
get() - Method in class
Returns the JButton object.
get() - Method in class com.nilhcem.fakesmtp.gui.MainPanel
Returns the JPanel object.
get() - Method in class com.nilhcem.fakesmtp.gui.MenuBar
Returns the JMenuBar object.
get() - Method in class
Returns the JScrollPane object.
get() - Method in class
Returns the JScrollPane object.
get() - Method in class
Returns the JScrollPane object.
getBindAddress() - Method in enum com.nilhcem.fakesmtp.core.ArgsHandler
getEmailStr() - Method in class com.nilhcem.fakesmtp.model.EmailModel
getEmlViewer() - Method in enum com.nilhcem.fakesmtp.core.ArgsHandler
getFilePath() - Method in class com.nilhcem.fakesmtp.model.EmailModel
getFrom() - Method in class com.nilhcem.fakesmtp.model.EmailModel
getListMailsMap() - Method in enum com.nilhcem.fakesmtp.model.UIModel
getLock() - Method in class com.nilhcem.fakesmtp.server.MailSaver
Returns a lock object.
getMailSaver() - Method in enum com.nilhcem.fakesmtp.server.SMTPServerHandler
Returns the MailSaver object.
getNbMessageReceived() - Method in enum com.nilhcem.fakesmtp.model.UIModel
getObservable() - Method in class com.nilhcem.fakesmtp.log.SMTPLogsAppender
Returns the log observable object.
getOutputDirectory() - Method in enum com.nilhcem.fakesmtp.core.ArgsHandler
getPort() - Method in enum com.nilhcem.fakesmtp.core.ArgsHandler
getPortText() - Method in class com.nilhcem.fakesmtp.gui.MainPanel
Returns reference to portText field.
getReceivedDate() - Method in class com.nilhcem.fakesmtp.model.EmailModel
getRelayDomains() - Method in enum com.nilhcem.fakesmtp.model.UIModel
getSaveMsgTextField() - Method in class com.nilhcem.fakesmtp.gui.MainPanel
Returns reference to saveMsgTextField.
getSavePath() - Method in enum com.nilhcem.fakesmtp.model.UIModel
getSmtpServer() - Method in enum com.nilhcem.fakesmtp.server.SMTPServerHandler
Returns the SMTPServer object.
getSubject() - Method in class com.nilhcem.fakesmtp.model.EmailModel
getTo() - Method in class com.nilhcem.fakesmtp.model.EmailModel


handleArgs(String[]) - Method in enum com.nilhcem.fakesmtp.core.ArgsHandler
Interprets command line arguments.


I18n - Enum in com.nilhcem.fakesmtp.core
Initializes resource bundle and get messages from keys.
InvalidPortException - Exception in com.nilhcem.fakesmtp.core.exception
Thrown if the SMTP port is invalid while trying to start the server.
InvalidPortException(Exception) - Constructor for exception com.nilhcem.fakesmtp.core.exception.InvalidPortException
isStarted() - Method in enum com.nilhcem.fakesmtp.model.UIModel
Returns true if the server is started.


LastMailPane - Class in
Scrolled text area where will be displayed the last received email.
LastMailPane() - Constructor for class
Creates the text area and disables the possibility to edit it.
loadFromFile(File) - Method in enum com.nilhcem.fakesmtp.core.Configuration
Loads configuration from file.
loadFromUserProfile() - Method in enum com.nilhcem.fakesmtp.core.Configuration
Loads configuration from the file in user profile directory.
LogsPane - Class in
Scrolled text area where will be displayed the SMTP logs.
LogsPane() - Constructor for class
Creates the text area, sets it as non-editable and sets an observer to intercept logs.


MailListener - Class in com.nilhcem.fakesmtp.server
Listens to incoming emails and redirects them to the MailSaver object.
MailListener(MailSaver) - Constructor for class com.nilhcem.fakesmtp.server.MailListener
Creates the listener.
MailSaver - Class in com.nilhcem.fakesmtp.server
Saves emails and notifies components so they can refresh their views with new data.
MailSaver() - Constructor for class com.nilhcem.fakesmtp.server.MailSaver
MailsListPane - Class in
Scrolled table where will be displayed every received email (one line for each email).
MailsListPane() - Constructor for class
Creates the table and sets its cells as non editable.
main(String[]) - Static method in class com.nilhcem.fakesmtp.FakeSMTP
Checks command line arguments, sets some specific properties, and runs the main window.
MainFrame - Class in com.nilhcem.fakesmtp.gui
Provides the main window of the application.
MainFrame() - Constructor for class com.nilhcem.fakesmtp.gui.MainFrame
Creates the main window and makes it visible.
MainPanel - Class in com.nilhcem.fakesmtp.gui
Provides the main panel of the application, which will contain all the components.
MainPanel(Observable) - Constructor for class com.nilhcem.fakesmtp.gui.MainPanel
Creates the main panel.
memoryModeEnabled() - Method in enum com.nilhcem.fakesmtp.core.ArgsHandler
MenuBar - Class in com.nilhcem.fakesmtp.gui
Provides the menu bar of the application.
MenuBar() - Constructor for class com.nilhcem.fakesmtp.gui.MenuBar
Creates the menu bar and the different menus (file / edit / help).


NbReceivedLabel - Class in
Label class to display the number of received emails.
NbReceivedLabel() - Constructor for class
Creates the label class (with a bold font).
notifyObservers(Object) - Method in class com.nilhcem.fakesmtp.log.SMTPLogsObservable
Notify the LogsPane object when a new log is received.


OutOfRangePortException - Exception in com.nilhcem.fakesmtp.core.exception
Thrown if the SMTP port is out of range while trying to start the server.
OutOfRangePortException(Exception, int) - Constructor for exception com.nilhcem.fakesmtp.core.exception.OutOfRangePortException


PortTextField - Class in
Text field in which will be written the desired SMTP port.
PortTextField() - Constructor for class
Creates the port field object and adds a listener on change to alert the presentation model.


saveEmailAndNotify(String, String, InputStream) - Method in class com.nilhcem.fakesmtp.server.MailSaver
Saves incoming email in file system and notifies observers.
SaveMsgField - Class in
Text field in which will be written the path where emails will be automatically saved.
SaveMsgField() - Constructor for class
Creates a text field and adds a mouse listener, to display the directory chooser dialog when a user clicks on the field.
saveToFile(File) - Method in enum com.nilhcem.fakesmtp.core.Configuration
Saves configuration to file.
saveToUserProfile() - Method in enum com.nilhcem.fakesmtp.core.Configuration
Saves configuration to the file in user profile directory.
set(String, String) - Method in enum com.nilhcem.fakesmtp.core.Configuration
Sets the value of a specific entry.
setEmailStr(String) - Method in class com.nilhcem.fakesmtp.model.EmailModel
setFilePath(String) - Method in class com.nilhcem.fakesmtp.model.EmailModel
setFrom(String) - Method in class com.nilhcem.fakesmtp.model.EmailModel
setNbMessageReceived(int) - Method in enum com.nilhcem.fakesmtp.model.UIModel
setParentComponent(Component) - Method in class com.nilhcem.fakesmtp.core.exception.UncaughtExceptionHandler
Sets the parent component where an error dialog might be displayed.
setPort(String) - Method in enum com.nilhcem.fakesmtp.model.UIModel
setReceivedDate(Date) - Method in class com.nilhcem.fakesmtp.model.EmailModel
setRelayDomains(List<String>) - Method in enum com.nilhcem.fakesmtp.model.UIModel
setSavePath(String) - Method in enum com.nilhcem.fakesmtp.model.UIModel
setSubject(String) - Method in class com.nilhcem.fakesmtp.model.EmailModel
setText(String) - Method in class
Sets the specified port in the text field only if this latter is not null.
setTo(String) - Method in class com.nilhcem.fakesmtp.model.EmailModel
shouldStartInBackground() - Method in enum com.nilhcem.fakesmtp.core.ArgsHandler
shouldStartServerAtLaunch() - Method in enum com.nilhcem.fakesmtp.core.ArgsHandler
SMTPLogsAppender<E> - Class in com.nilhcem.fakesmtp.log
Logback appender class, which will redirect all logs to the LogsPane object.
SMTPLogsAppender() - Constructor for class com.nilhcem.fakesmtp.log.SMTPLogsAppender
SMTPLogsObservable - Class in com.nilhcem.fakesmtp.log
Provides an observable object to notify the LogsPane object when a new log is received.
SMTPLogsObservable() - Constructor for class com.nilhcem.fakesmtp.log.SMTPLogsObservable
SMTPServerHandler - Enum in com.nilhcem.fakesmtp.server
Starts and stops the SMTP server.
startServer(int, InetAddress) - Method in enum com.nilhcem.fakesmtp.server.SMTPServerHandler
Starts the server on the port and address specified in parameters.
StartServerButton - Class in
Button to start the SMTP server.
StartServerButton() - Constructor for class
Creates a start button to start the SMTP server.
stopServer() - Method in enum com.nilhcem.fakesmtp.server.SMTPServerHandler
Stops the server.


toggleButton() - Method in class
Switches the text inside the button and calls the PortTextField observer to enable/disable the port field.
toggleButton() - Method in enum com.nilhcem.fakesmtp.model.UIModel
Happens when a user clicks on the start button.


UIModel - Enum in com.nilhcem.fakesmtp.model
UI presentation model of the application.
uncaughtException(Thread, Throwable) - Method in class com.nilhcem.fakesmtp.core.exception.UncaughtExceptionHandler
Called when an uncaught exception is thrown.
UncaughtExceptionHandler - Class in com.nilhcem.fakesmtp.core.exception
Intercepts every uncaught exception.
UncaughtExceptionHandler() - Constructor for class com.nilhcem.fakesmtp.core.exception.UncaughtExceptionHandler
update(Observable, Object) - Method in class com.nilhcem.fakesmtp.gui.DirChooser
Opens the folder selection.
update(Observable, Object) - Method in class
Enables the button, so that the user can clear/delete emails.
update(Observable, Object) - Method in class
Actions which will be done when the component will be notified by an Observable object.
update(Observable, Object) - Method in class
Enables or disables the port text field.
update(Observable, Object) - Method in class
Updates the content of the JTextField with the new directory value.
update(Observable, Object) - Method in class
update(Observable, Object) - Method in class
Updates the content of the text area.
update(Observable, Object) - Method in class
Updates the content of the text area.
update(Observable, Object) - Method in class
Updates the content of the table.
UTF8 - Static variable in enum com.nilhcem.fakesmtp.core.I18n


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.nilhcem.fakesmtp.core.ArgsHandler
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.nilhcem.fakesmtp.core.Configuration
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.nilhcem.fakesmtp.core.I18n
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.nilhcem.fakesmtp.model.UIModel
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.nilhcem.fakesmtp.server.SMTPServerHandler
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum com.nilhcem.fakesmtp.core.ArgsHandler
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.nilhcem.fakesmtp.core.Configuration
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.nilhcem.fakesmtp.core.I18n
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.nilhcem.fakesmtp.model.UIModel
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.nilhcem.fakesmtp.server.SMTPServerHandler
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.


windowClosing(WindowEvent) - Method in class com.nilhcem.fakesmtp.gui.MainFrame
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